We have all grown very familiar with the term “social distancing.” This is one of three main ways we are to guard ourselves from the Corona virus. This safeguard along with washing our hands continually and wearing a face mask is the new normal for all of us.
The result is that many church members have yet to return to our Sunday services. Some see church gatherings as dangerous and risky. Some have adjusted to life without church and it’s no longer a priority.
Pastors and church leaders have always dealt with another kind of distancing. The perceived distance between pastor and the people. This kind of distancing has brought about a degree of isolation for many in the ministry. Some pastors prefer this distance between themselves the people under their care. Others see themselves as one with the congregation and are very close to the people they serve.
Isolation is a dangerous place for those in the ministry. The more isolated pastors are, the more vulnerable they will be to temptation, discouragement and depression. Isolation can lead one to the place of great personal defeat.
We need one another as leaders in the body of Christ. God never meant for us to be alone and go alone into the battles we face each day. Paul described the church as a body made up of many members in I Corinthians 12. Every member is important and has a key function in the body of Christ.
We need others to come alongside of us as we serve Christ. Do not isolate yourself. Reach out to your own church family. Make yourself available. Get to know the pastors in your area.
Still Waters Renewal is a place where pastors and church leaders can come and hang out for a few days with others who serve in ministry. We realize how much we need one another. Paul walked hand in hand with others from the start of his ministry to the conclusion. We are to do the same.